Sell more. Reach new customers

Offer your business to the hundreds of millions of visitors through our multi-platform sales channel.

Trusted by partners across the world

Scale your business

We market your network to a large audience of travellers worldwide,

You are in control

With our tools, you can monitor and manage your rides and sales in real-time.

Make better decisions

Find out the what, when, and how much behind customer behavior using our tools.

bisstours logo
Because the vision of our company is to constantly improve quality of service and expand our network of lines, for us it was important that we find a partner who shares this vision with us.
We have a lot of business partners in all segments of our company, but cooperation with Flix is one of the most important business projects for us with positive impressions and business results.
fudeks logo
Working with Flix has brought us many new passengers, and to our mutual satisfaction we have an excellent cooperation for several years.
The Marketplace platform allows us to manage our sales capacity independently, without waiting at any given time.
It's a real pleasure to partner with Flix!
centrotrans logo
We like using Marketplace because of its simplicity and user-friendly design. All our lines are now at hands reach to our teams, while all Marketplace functionalities make self-management of sales biggest advantage for our cooperation with Flix.
But, mostly we appreciate equality of all carriers when we are talking of ticket sales over Flix platform.